New Photo Quiz: In and Around Parliament Square London SW1

As promised, another photo quiz, shorter than the last one, and more accessible to everyone as it is a much more visited part of town.
Once again, put your answers in a comments box. This time I’ll give you a week or so before I approve your comments. You’ll see my replies, but not what anyone else has said. So for the meantime all comments on this page will need my approval before they apear. Enjoy!
Whose foot is this?

Picture 1
Picture 1

And whose hand?
Picture 2
Picture 2

Who needs the support of this cane?
Picture 3
Picture 3

Whose feet are walking?
Picture 4
Picture 4

And finally, whose embracing arms are these?
Picture 5
Picture 5

10 Comments Add yours

  1. I only recognize Churchill (the cane) and Mandela (the embrace)–I wish I could teleport to London to find the rest!


    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:

      Nice work! Maybe inspiration will strike you for the others later.


  2. 2fur says:

    1 – Hmmmmm ….. hint, hint …..
    ….. 2 – looks vaguely Francis of Assisish – hmmm ….?
    3 – Churchill
    4 – The Burghurs of Calais
    5 – Nelson Mandela
    Hope your throat feels better!


    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:

      Three out of five! I am impressed. You need to get 1 and 2 now.


  3. Cindy M. says:

    picture 1. Richard I, picture 2. Benjamin Disrali, picture 3. Winston Chruchill, picture 4. Burghers of Calais, picture 5. Nelson Mandela


    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:

      Four out of five! Well done. Have another look at 2.


      1. Cindy M. says:

        Another try. picture 2. Lord Stanley, Earl of Derby


      2. IsobelTouristGuide says:



  4. TBM says:

    Goodness, I need to spend more time in SW1. Is Churchill with the cane?


    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:

      Yes, that’s right! Four to go…


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