Walworth Cats

I’m slightly off piste here, but in the last week I have met two cats who have taken positive action towards organising their days.
First Buster. Beautiful, black and white, huge and comfortably asleep here in his own box.


Buster has adopted the Atelier de Couture in Peacock Yard. It says much for Linda’s forbearance that he is allowed there, and has his own box, despite sitting on her creations. Apparently Buster’s home has three young children in it, so he daylights to the quiet of the workshop.
I met second cat today. I was on the other side of the Walworth Road divide, in Stead Street. As I approached the newsagent’s I saw a large, and I do mean large, ginger cat sitting in the window. Such an opportunity was not to be missed. I went in. The people working there explained that the cat, called Gizmo, spends his days with them and then goes home. He obviously loves the company, and has bonded with the shop people. They said his name and he rushed to the counter. That’s when I realised what a big tum he has. Maybe his owners put him out for the day in the hope that he’ll run about and reduce his waistline. If so, it’s not working.
Gizmo, A Big Boy
Gizmo, A Big Boy

I don’t know the name of the third cat who came to say hello in Liverpool Grove. But I reckon she could take some tips from Buster and Gizmo unless she gets her own front door key soon. I think she thought I might be able to open the door. Oh I’m calling her she because she was wearing a very long, very pink collar.
Let Me In
Let Me In

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Gizmo looks like he may have some other ports of call for dinner! 😀


    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:

      I think you’re right. I hope to go back and get some better pictures of him. I may need treats!


  2. Lovely cats…..what tales they could tell…..



    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:



  3. Shelagh says:

    Cat number 3 (Let me in) is Fluff, He is 19. I have seen him for years and always stop to greet him but only in summer of 2012 – so about 8 months ago – found out his name and age and that he lives in the hall of that block (he has a bed in a box) and is fed by the various neighbours. Sadly I have not spotted him since before Christmas but hope he will pop out when the weather is better


    1. IsobelTouristGuide says:

      Wow! Thanks for that Shelagh. So he is a community cat looked after by the residents? Does he get checked out by the vet from time to time too? Given his age, his lifestyle must suit him.


      1. Shelagh says:

        yes I believe he does see a vet. will let you know when I next see him


      2. Shelagh says:

        Just to update you Isobel – was glad to spot Fluff outside his building a week ago in the evening – first sighting for about 3 months – so he must be keeping out of the cold


      3. IsobelTouristGuide says:

        Good. Thanks for that. Does he wander down to the church?


      4. Shelagh says:

        Hi not sure if he goes to the church but I have seen him across the road in the gardens of the block of houses – converted from what was an old chapel in 19th century I believe


      5. IsobelTouristGuide says:

        And the subject of my last Walworth photo quiz 🙂


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